Disposable Knickers

Incontinence can happen to anyone – it can be due to illness, pregnancy or old age and the best way to deal with it is to use disposable knickers. You will find many kinds of disposable knickers in the market and choosing may not be very easy for a first time buyer. Whether you are buying for yourself or someone else there are some simple tips to keep in mind that can make finding the right knickers easier:
•    There are two kinds of knickers that are available – there are those that have to be pulled on and a second type that you can strap on. If you have back problems or arthritis you may what to buy the strap-on kind so that you don’t have to bend every time you need to go.
•    Are you buying for male or female? There are knickers that are gender specific while some are unisex. Many people are comfortable in unisex but there are some who prefer underwear that moulds their specific body type.
•    Size matters. When you start to wear disposable knickers you will want to select those that are really snug as you may worried about others being able to tell that you have incontinence. You shouldn’t worry about that – so long as you buy the right kind no one can tell that you are not wearing ordinary underwear. Buy a size that fits you properly for maximum comfort.
•    How often do you leak? If you don’t lose more than a few drops every few hours you may not really need incontinence underwear – all you may need are special pads. If you leak significant amounts you should be looking for highly absorbent disposable knickers.
We suggest you buy your knickers from Independence – they have a wide selection so you will find something that is suitable for your needs. Find out more on their website, https://www.independence.ltd.uk/incontinence.