Desktop virtualization vendors

Ways That Desktop Virtualization Has Changed the Learning Landscape
Words really can’t explain how technology has changed the education sector. Students are becoming more empowered and more creative by the day. To a majority of them, learning is funnier these days. This is because they use the computer more often. When thinking of the impact of technology on learning, you have to consider Desktop Virtualization, an innovation that separates the users’ PC applications from their desktop. In this case, the students use virtual desktops that are hosted from a central server and not a hard drive as in the case of traditional PCs.
Today, there are so many desktop virtualization vendors and their main point of focus is installing Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) products. The products are software solutions that are installed on the user’s endpoints to help the students and tutors connect and interact over the internet or through WAN and LAN. So far, VDI products have been able to contribute the following in changing the education landscape:
1. Easy School Management
To update students’ information using the traditional desktop software takes time, more so when you do it from end-point computers. With VDI, however, it’s easier since you do it from a central interface.
2. Students Can Now Operate Remotely
Students are now able to log into the school system to submit their assignments from home. They are able to do it at their own convenient time. The professors can also log into the system to check the submissions.
3. Temporary Professors Are Easily Added
It’s very rare to find a school that does not have guest professors. With VDI, it becomes easy to add them to the system temporarily. They are able to operate like the other professors even though it’s just for a while.
Clearly, VDI has changed the learning landscape for the better. It’s just amazing thinking about the things that you can do with a virtual desktop.