Boarding Schools near London

Is it a good idea to send your child to a boarding school near London? This is one question that many parents have to grapple with. To help you make up your mind let us first look at the pros of such a school. The first is the ease and availability of transport. This is especially relevant for students who are coming in from overseas. London is England’s transport hub – your plane will land there and if the school that you choose is nearby you will be able to get there fast. If, however, you choose a school that is far way you may find yourself faced with several rail connections or a long drive. In fact, so long as the school that you choose is near London your child can make it to school and back home on their own – the school will provide them transport to and from the airport on relevant days.

The other benefit of having your child near London is that they are close to one of the biggest cultural centres in the world. Good boarding schools organize for excursions where children can visit museums and other cultural centres and learn much more than they would in the classroom. Schools that are far away may not be able to enjoy such excursions.

As for the cons of sending your child to a school that is near London, the biggest is focus. London is a city with many attractions and teenagers can be easily distracted. If the school offers weekends out your child may fall into the wrong company and this will affect their final result.

If you are determined to send your child to a boarding school near London and you want them to excel you should find one where students are supervised at all times such as The Cambridge Centre for Sixth Form Studies.Edit”Boarding Schools near London”